07-10-2020, 11:54 PM
Auction of the Day
Bid Start: July 10, 2020 at 9:30pm
Bid Ends: July 12, 2020 at 9:30pm
☢️Item: Gold Wings
Starting Bid: 6 Billion Rupiah's
Buy-Out: 10 Billion Rupiah's
Minimum Bid increment's: 100 Million Rupiah's
?-- New Rules --?
Due to Editing and Comment Delete we will change the bidding procedure.
❗️❗️DO NOT COMMENT YOUR BID HERE. Please pm your Bid directly to Johnson Trevi, Whoever has the highest bid on the end of the bidding wins.
?PM your bid sample
Bid: 5.1B
IGN: Berlin
- We will not update the bidding status until bidding ends.
- If buy out has been called we will post immediately.
- False bid auto-ban for the future bidding.
- False bid 1-week auto-ban ingame account.
- Avoid using a dummy FB account.
WOT Team
For more info Click Here!
Bid Start: July 10, 2020 at 9:30pm
Bid Ends: July 12, 2020 at 9:30pm
☢️Item: Gold Wings
Starting Bid: 6 Billion Rupiah's
Buy-Out: 10 Billion Rupiah's
Minimum Bid increment's: 100 Million Rupiah's
?-- New Rules --?
Due to Editing and Comment Delete we will change the bidding procedure.
❗️❗️DO NOT COMMENT YOUR BID HERE. Please pm your Bid directly to Johnson Trevi, Whoever has the highest bid on the end of the bidding wins.
?PM your bid sample
Bid: 5.1B
IGN: Berlin
- We will not update the bidding status until bidding ends.
- If buy out has been called we will post immediately.
- False bid auto-ban for the future bidding.
- False bid 1-week auto-ban ingame account.
- Avoid using a dummy FB account.
WOT Team
For more info Click Here!